We in the Department of Transportation and Aerospac in Shamash Technologies believe that the future of travel will converge, that the technologies applied today in one type of transportation or another will eventually be all the same. Just as hybrid vehicles exist, or advances in aerodynamics have been applied to cars, or discoveries made in space exploration have transcended to other technologies, our global approach seeks synergies in the new developments to help our customers build the transports of the future.
From rockets to submarines, to trains, cars and even bicycles, all forms of transport want to use the strongest, safest and lightest materials. But withstanding the vacuum of space or the pressures of the ocean trenches, breaking the arctic ice or crossing the sands of the Sahara, not weighing down a cyclist or absorbing the impact of a collision at high speed pose different challenges, and different materials, but the same objective.

At Shamash Technologies we work with nanotechnology to adapt each material to its use: ceramics, plastics, metals and the latest innovations like graphene of nanotubes. And there is still a lot of room to innovate.
Power and Efficiency
We work hand in hand with Shamash Energy to safely integrate the cleanest and most efficient energy into vehicles. The utopia to be pursued is a transport that never has to be recharged, and each step in that sense brings us closer to the future.

We also want to get as much power as possible so that trips are as short as possible. What sounds like science-fiction, like the use of gravitational waves in transportation, for us is the next technology that we may offer our customers to improve the vehicles of the future.
Comfort and safety
Autonomy is not just the kilometers that you can travel between two recharges of your vehicle, autonomy for Shamash Technologies is to be able to forget about charging and even driving. Never mind the distance or direction, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

The collaboration with the Software department of Shamash Technologies allows us to increase the auotonomous capacity of the future vehicles: the autopilot of every vehicle, from airplanes to cars, is becoming more reliable and closer thanks to GPS and environmental surveillance. The same technologies that allow robots to make autonomous decisions in the exploration of Mars while waiting for instructions during the 20 minutes it takes to communicate between the planets can be used in our daily vehicles, and Shamash makes it possible thanks to the fact that it is the same department that research both technologies. Nobody tells a river where to go, the water finds its way; this is how we want it to be to travel in the future: simple and comfortable.