Shamash Technologies is born

Hoy el mundo recibe con esperanza a Shamash Technologiesborn as a result of the merger of Shamash Computers and Shamash ElectronicsThese companies, which operated independently until now, will share resources. At the gates of the 21st century, we in Shamash have a vision that the future of electronics passes through programmable microcircuits and the ubiquity of computers.

The founding act of Shamash Technologies, in addition to detailing its ethical code that its clients must comply with in a contractual manner, establishes the goals of this new company: "to improve the quality of life of all living beings on the planet, human, animal and plant, present and future".

Ada Becker will be the CEO of the new company. This Austrian engineer, who worked for the last 30 years in Shamash Computers, was part of the teams that developed the first 512-bit microchip, the first Augmented Reality helmet, and the automatic reaction and event monitoring software that is still used in devices such as Shamash Health 's pacemakers or Shamash Energy's nuclear power plant management stations. Her experience and technical knowledge has been widely proved.

Durante los últimos 5 años, en su puesto de CEO, ha conseguido que las alianzas con los fabricantes dispositivos, como Macrosoft, Mapple, IPM o Tamsung, logrando que la tecnología Shamash Computers esté presente en un 53% de los productos vendidos en el mundo durante el pasado 1998. “Esta nueva estrategia empresarial nos permitirá ofrecer a nuestros clientes tecnologías cada vez más novedosas y más adaptadas a sus necesidades y las del público en general”, ha declarado en la rueda de prensa del anuncio de la fusión. “A pesar de los grandes avances de los últimos años, estamos apenas al principio de una revolución que lo cambiará todo, y que necesita de grandes científicos e ingenieros. Nuestro lema es “The future is here already” porque ése es nuestro objetivo: traer el futuro al presente para todos.”