Shamash Engineering merges with Shamash Technologies

Effective January 1 st , 2010 and coinciding with its 100th anniversary, Shamash Engineering ceases as an independent company to become the Department of Machinery and Robotics inside Shamash Technology. Industrial and engineering systems are increasingly dependent on, and rely on, Information Technology, data and knowledge management. Collaboration is getting tighter, and integration will allow Shamash Corporation to adapt to new times and be more competitive than ever.

Since its foundation, Shamash Engineering has focused on inventiveness to innovate, helping thousands of manufacturers worldwide to improve their machines, processes and products. The new department is born with a clear objective: to improve the intelligence and autonomy not only of the machines that our clients produce, but of each of their parts, integrating microchips in each component to obtain machines whose behavior is almost natural.

“Estuvimos allí durante las Primera y Segunda Revoluciones Industriales”, ha dicho Ada Becker, CEO of Shamash Technologies, durante el acto público de anuncio de la fusión. “Bajo distintos nombres, pero siempre buscando lo mejor para nuestros clientes. Ahora que estamos de lleno en la Third Industrial Revolution nos reinventamos con vistas al futuro, para aprovechar las sinergias entre nuestros departamentos. Nuestro objetivo es que no tengamos que esperar otros 50 años para la siguiente revolución, y poder demostrarle al mundo que el futuro ya está aquí”.