Shamash Technologies a Shamash Health collaborate against COVID-19

The subsidiary companies Shamash Technologies and Shamash Health have signed an agreement announcing their collaboration in the investigation and fight against COVID-19. The efforts will focus on laboratories in New Delhi and Houston, while working closely with pharmacological laboratories and research centers around the world.

“Esta emergencia sanitaria a nivel mundial no entiende de fronteras ni de clases sociales, requiere de esfuerzos excepcionales”, ha declarado Tetsu Yoshida, CEO de Shamash Technologies, durante la presentación del acuerdo. “Vamos a dedicar todos nuestros recursos a la investigación de tratamientos y vacunas contra el COVID-19, implicando a nuestros grupos de nanotecnología y análisis metaheurístico, entre otros.”

The terms of the agreement put aside the benefits and guarantee free access for all countries and industries to the discoveries made. In the words of Yoshida, “la colaboración entre todos los actores es imprescindible para atajar esta situación cuanto antes. Porque el futuro ya está aquí, y debe ser un futuro para todos.”