Accessible Quantum Computing

In the ongoing race for quantum computing there is a goal that seems unattainable, but that Shamash wants to push forward: that domestic technology can count on the quantum capabilities that at the moment only seem to be available to large companies like Froogle, IBN, or research centers like CERN. Someday soon carrying a quantum computer in your pocket will be as common as carrying a smartphone today with the power we are used to, was inthinkable only 20 years ago, and then the cubits will be counted by the Gigas and Teras.

It is not a easy challenge, we know, and that is why a complete research department has been set up, which, although it is not offering its products to customers at the moment.

“Estamos hablando de predicción meteorológica con una fiabilidad nunca vista, de inteligencias artificiales capaces de realizar cálculos inimaginables. Estamos hablando de dar un paso de gigantes a cuyo lado los últimos cincuenta años parecerán un chiste”, explica Tetsu Yoshida, CEO de Shamash Tecnologies. “Para la mayoría de las empresas es un sueño, una utopía. Para nosotros es parte del trabajo, es el motivo por el que estamos aquí”.

Shamash Technologies has established many partnerships with universities around the world, creating an unparalleled research network, and has already begun to make significant progress in what is expected to become tangible technologies thanks to these contacts. The future is already here.