Prepárate para El Examen Final

¿Ansioso por conocer más sobre "El Examen Final"? ¿No puedes esperar para internarte en la Cúpula del Examen y atravesar...
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Prepárate para El Examen Final

Anuncio del videjuegojuego “El Examen Final”

Shamash Games anuncia su primer videojuego: "El Examen Final". Se trata de un MMO colaborativo/competitivo rompe algunos tabús, cambiando el...
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Anuncio del videjuegojuego “El Examen Final”

Shamash Games

Last Shamash Technologies' initiative is Shamash Games, focused in developing the future of entertainment and interactive games. Using...
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Shamash Games

Shamash Technologies a Shamash Health collaborate against COVID-19

The subsidiary companies Shamash Technologies and Shamash Health have signed an agreement announcing their collaboration in the investigation and fight...
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Shamash Technologies y Shamash Health colaboran contra el COVID-19

Accessible Quantum Computing

In the ongoing race for quantum computing there is a goal that seems unattainable, but that Shamash wants to push forward: that domestic...
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Computación cuántica accesible

Increasing life expectancy

The founding act of Shamash Technologies establishes as one of its objectives to improve the quality of life of all...
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Mejorando la esperanza de vida

Shamash Technologies is one of the most innovative companies in the world. Its Research and Development department has the largest number of patents que licencia a grandes fabricantes. Nuestra tecnología está dentro de casi todo lo que utilizas en el día a día: teléfonos, electrodomésticos, ordenadores, páginas de Internet… Nuestro lema: “The future is here already“. Nuestro objetivo, hacerlo realidad día a día.

Our team of scientists and engineers can design the solutions that your company needs so that your product stands out from the competition and breaks the market. Consult our portfolio of technologies or contact us .

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