Increasing life expectancy

The founding act of Shamash Technologies establishes as one of its objectives to improve the quality of life of all human beings, and this does not only include developing increasingly powerful tools that can be used in all areas of our society, but also to work actively in this area. And one of the most obvious applications of technology at the service of human beings is to improve health.

This is why a new agreement has been signed with Shamash Health to jointly develop new health technologies to fight hitherto incurable diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. The joint use of artificial intelligence and nanobots for genetic analysis and modification, using techniques such as CISSP, could make it possible to repair cellular damage in living bodies in the future and even reverse the effects caused by these diseases. The new medical algorithms and electronic microbiosensors that will be developed as part of this collaboration are expected to be available for our customers by 2025.

In a joint conference with André McNeil, CEO of Shamash Health, Tetsu Yoshida ha declarado: “La medicina avanza a pasos agigantados, y eso es gracias a los avances tecnológicos. El secuenciamiento genético ha reducido los tiempos necesarios para investigar nuevos virus y bacterias de varios años a unos meses. La realidad aumentada y las comunicaciones de alta velocidad permiten realizar cirujía desde otro continente. Nuestro propósito es llegar más allá, y juntando ambas ramas junto con otros avances tecnológicos, permitir realizar microcirujías hasta ahora impensables en los tejidos humanos. Suena a ciencia ficción, pero no lo es: el futuro ya está aquí.”