The future of energy

Shamash Technologies has partnered with Shamash Energy to develop the largest capacity batteries the market has ever seen. The goal is clear: in a world that demands more and more electricity from non-polluting sources, that electricity must be stored so that it can be used when and where it is needed: land and air transport, mobile devices, home, industry... But the current batteries do not guarantee the power capacity that the world needs.

“Tan importante como el origen ecológico de la energía es la huella dejada por las futuras baterías, durante su fabricación y cuando se deshechen”, indica Thabit Tutmose, CEO de Shamash Energy. “Sabemos que las baterías se degradarán con su uso, y pretendemos que sean totalmente biodegradables o reciclables al cien por cien. No queremos que dentro de mil años conozcan nuestra era como los productores de residuos tóxicos, y estamos aún a tiempo de lograrlo.”

The Shamash group has signed agreements to share the new technologies developed with companies such as Tesela Cars, Mapple or Generally Electrics, as well as with several governments and agencies that are will use these technologies to lower costs and improve the quality of life of their citizens. Shamash is committed to sustainable and equal development for all countries, and has collaborative programs with the neediest nations. The future is already here.