Shamash Technologies at the Tokyo Olympics

Shamash will be one of the major indirect contributors to the future Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Practically 100% of the suppliers and collaborators of the Olympic Games are partners or customers of Shamash Technologies, and our technologies will help everything to look better in 2020 than in the previous Olympics.

“Contar con Shamash es un orgullo nacional”, ha declarado Shinzō Abe, primer ministro de Japón. “Nuestro país es referente mundial de tecnología y eso quedará reflejado en las Olimpiadas que estamos montando. 2020 será una experiencia como ninguna otra.”

In a press release, Shamash Technologies has reminded that although its headquarters are in Tokyo, its commitment is for the whole world, without distinction between human beings by country, race, sex or any other condition, and that as a company it is prepared to collaborate with any government in any initiative, and has recalled that it will not hesitate to collaborate in future games, as it collaborated with Rio and hopes to do with the host that will be chosen next year for 2024. The future is already here.