Shamash Technologies was founded in 1999 as the merge of Shamash Computers and Shamash Electronicsto unify all the technology departments of the different subsidiaries of the Shamash group, take advantage of synergies to accelerate results, and be able to offer our services to our clients answering to the rise of information technology and its growth in all industries. In 2005 it took over its subsidiary that became the formando el Department of Transportation and in 2010 Shamash Engineering was merged as the new Department of Machinery.
Its founding act establishes the company's goal "to improve the quality of life of all living beings on the planet, human, animal and plant, present and future", aligned with Shamash Corp's objectives, developing tools, techniques, technologies and scientific experiment that our clients can use in its products and services.
Ethical code
The ethical code of Shamash Technologies establishes that its technologies cannot be licensed to any entity, company, body, government, group or individual that has any type of business or partner that violates in any way any of the UN Human Rights, even if these businesses will not use Shamash technologies. For example, Shamash Technologies will not enter into any agreements with companies that:
- Manufactures, trades or uses weapons, or is directly or indirectly related to any death penalty, by going against the right to life.
- Collects or uses its clients' data in an abusive way, going against the rights to dignity and privacy.
- Supports or adheres to any law that deprives any group of rights, even if it is justified ideologically or religiously.
All the contracts with our customers contractually oblige them to comply with our code of ethics, which means that they also may not do business with us and must include our code of ethics in their own contracts with third parties. Thanks to the power of technology and progress, we are confident that Human Rights will no longer be a political commitment but will become part of the way more and more companies do business.
Tetsu Yoshida is the CEO of Shamash Technologies since 2011. She was born in Hiroshima and studied in MIT, Harvard University and Universität Hamburg. She know perfectly how technology can be a very powerful tool to define the future, for better or worse, and she's strongly aware that Shamash's legacy must help all of humanity.
Tetsu loves origami, the ancestral art of her country, from which she learned patience and delicacy to achieve wonders with the simplest things and a little effort.

Shamash Technologies has 5 main investigation centers in this cities:
- Tokyo, Japan (Headquarters)
- Shenzhen, China
- San Francisco, USA
- Sao Paulo, Brasil
- Oxford, UK
Thanks to the structure of the Shamash group, these centers also function as commercial and public relations offices for all the companies part of the Shamash Corporation, and Shamash Technologies can also be contacted in the venues of its subsidiaries or its mother company..